Wednesday 30 November 2016

Real-Time Blocker and Waiter Query

This lists whats blocked and why. The unique feature of this script is that it shows both the SQL statement that is blocked and the SQL statement waiting for the block.

select t1.resource_type
,db_name(resource_database_id) as [database]
,t1.resource_associated_entity_id as [blk object]
,t1.request_session_id -- spid of waiter
,(select text from sys.dm_exec_requests as r --- get sql for waiter
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) where r.session_id = t1.request_session_id) as waiter_text
,t2.blocking_session_id -- spid of blocker
,(select text from sys.sysprocesses as p --- get sql for blocker
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(p.sql_handle) where p.spid = t2.blocking_session_id) as blocker_text
sys.dm_tran_locks as t1,
sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks as t2
t1.lock_owner_address = t2.resource_address

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