Sunday 30 August 2015

AdventureWorks 2012 LT Schema

  • Step 1 download the scripts for this database from here
  • Step 2 unzip files to local directory  C:\Samples\AdventureWorks\AdventureWorks 2012 LT Script
  • Step 3 run instawltdb.sql from the SQLCMD mode (via the query menu in SSMS)

Show the CompanyName for James D. Kramer

SELECT CompanyName
  FROM CustomerAW
 WHERE FirstName='James'
   AND MiddleName='D.'
   AND LastName='Kramer'

Show all the addresses listed for 'Modular Cycle Systems'

SELECT CompanyName,AddressType,AddressLine1
  FROM CustomerAW JOIN CustomerAddress
    ON (CustomerAW.CustomerID=CustomerAddress.CustomerID)
                  JOIN Address
    ON (CustomerAddress.AddressID=Address.AddressID)
 WHERE CompanyName='Modular Cycle Systems'

Show OrdeQty, the Name and the ListPrice of the order made by CustomerID 635

SELECT OrderQty,Name,ListPrice
  FROM SalesOrderHeader NATURAL JOIN SalesOrderDetail
                        NATURAL JOIN ProductAW
WHERE CustomerID=635

Show FirstName and CompanyName for Companies that contain 'bike' and 'bicycle', list these in two seperate groups
with cte_1 as
  FROM [AdventureWorksLT2012].[SalesLT].[Customer]
  where companyname like '%bike%'
  union all
  FROM [AdventureWorksLT2012].[SalesLT].[Customer]
  where companyname like '%bicycle%'
 select *
 from cte_1

Further questions can be found here



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