Monday 16 March 2015

Powershell - Disk Space Alert Email

#current server name
$servername = "ROGUE"

#if free space % falls below this threshold, 
#assign CSS class "critical" which makes font red  
$criticalthreshold = 10

#inline css for styling
$inlinecss = @"
      margin: 0px;
      border: 1px solid #7e7e7e;
      background-color: #fafafa;
      border-collapse: collapse;

   #every other row has different color
   tr:nth-child(even) /* doesnt work in IE8 */
       background-color: #d5e4f4;

   th, td
       width: 100px;
       text-align: left;


   #anything marked as critical is styled bold and red
   .critical, .critical td
      color: red;
      font-weight: bold;

#construct the html content
$htmlhead = "<head><title>Disk Space Report </title>$($inlinecss)</head>"
$htmlbody = "<body>"
$htmlbody += "<p>$($subject)</p>"

#below creates table headers
$htmlbody += "<table><tbody>"
$htmlbody += "<th>Device ID</th>"
$htmlbody += "<th>Size (GB)</th>"
$htmlbody += "<th>Free Space (GB)</th>"
$htmlbody += "<th>Free Space (%)</th>"

#table content is dynamically generated from Get-WmiObject
#here we extract disk usage 
#to look only at Local Disk, add filter for DriveType -eq 3
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $servername |
ForEach-Object {
    $disk = $_
    $size = "{0:N1}" -f ($disk.Size/1GB)
    $freespace = "{0:N1}" -f ($disk.FreeSpace/1GB)
    if ($disk.Size -gt 0)
      $freespacepercent = "{0:P0}" -f ($disk.FreeSpace/$disk.Size)
      $freespacepercent = ""
    if ($freespacepercent -ne "" -and $freespacepercent -le $criticalthreshold)
      $htmlbody += "<tr class='critical'>"
      $htmlbody += "<tr>"
    $htmlbody += "<td>$($disk.DeviceID)</td>"
    $htmlbody += "<td>$($size)</td>"
    $htmlbody += "<td>$($freespace)</td>"
    $htmlbody += "<td>$($freespacepercent)</td>"
    $htmlbody += "</tr>"
$htmlbody += "</tbody></table></body></html>"

#compose full html content
$htmlcontent = $htmlhead + $htmlbody

#email settings
$currdate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd hmmtt"
$smtp = "mail.rogue.local"
$to = "DBA <administrator@rogue.local>"
$from = "DBMail <dbmail@administrator.local>"
$subject = "Disk Space Report for $servername as of $currdate"

Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtp -To $to -from $from  -Subject $subject -Body "$($htmlcontent)" -BodyAsHtml

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